Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Episode 66: Diet Update, CENTCOM Hacked, and So Much More!

Bart and Voretaq go over dieting, outrage on Twitter, nuclear accidents...the list just goes on and on! This is a special extended length Geeking After Dark!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_66.mp3

Show Notes:

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back to Sexy Voice.

    Bart talked about switching to more salads. I find I have to add things to salads which add so many calories that I should have just had meat and potatoes.

    I still see Richard Simmons on talk shows and ads. Not as much as in the past, but he still can be seen in his striped shorts and tank top.

    I think the kids like the You Tube hints that other kids show them when they do what Little Dude does. I found that the players on You Tube helped when I got stuck in the Lego Wii games.

    Reality TV has gotten ridiculous. No subject is off limits. Next they'll be featuring Bathroom Habits and weird bowel movements.

    Voretaq hit the nail on the head when he said that companies have become less like your family and more like the Mafia.

    After what happened in Bradford County, I don't trust any of the gas companies. They raped the people and walked away.
