Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Episode 379: Questionable Judgement

Bart and Norma discuss maternity leave, poverty, bird poop cocaine, truth default, and it's a bad idea to leave industrial controls open to the Internet!

Direct Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_379.mp3

Show Notes:


  1. Zoom sucks with children who won't stop talking and let the adults visit.

    It seems to take me 17 minutes to walk from the parking lot at the hospital to the floor where I get my mammogram.

  2. If they want to open schools safely, why didn't they make the vaccines available to teachers a priority?

    There have been a few news segments on the Chinese collecting data especially medical data. I wonder if that is why we keep getting calls to give us "free" back braces and knee remedies. The only way anyone would know that we have trouble with knees and backs is if they hacked our medical records or the hospital sold the info.

  3. This was especially sad after the death of Alex: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/five-time-jeopardy-champion-brayden-smith-unexpectedly-dies-las-vegas-n1257797
