Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Episode 474: Shocking...more school shootings

Bart and Norma discuss the latest round of school shootings, the latest health trend of IV's for fun, Little Wooden Boy!, and college visits!

Direct Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_474.mp3

Show Notes:


  1. Shouldn't children learn empathy from their parents and how they react to situations? Many of the things on Norma's list were things my parents conveyed to me. They would never use a credit card unless they could pay it off within the month. How are schools supposed to teach these things?

    Students and teachers should have the right to be safe in the schools. I remember a class in the school where I taught that was for students who couldn't function in the classroom because of anger issues. I always felt bad that when I had a major problem child in my room, the others had to suffer through the disruption time and again. I felt the "good" students had a right to learn and not put up with this crap.

  2. https://www.wnep.com/article/news/local/lackawanna-county/cold-case-solved-suspect-arrested-for-robert-barons-murder-justin-schuback-old-forge-mark-powell/523-6146ea9c-0bc4-41cb-a090-275cb57baf26 This was an amazing cold case solved. Still wonder what evidence opened the case up to be solved.
