Bart and Norma discuss the latest round of school shootings, the latest health trend of IV's for fun, Little Wooden Boy!, and college visits!
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Show Notes:
- Where's Voretaq? We don't know
- Student shooter shot self
- Should students labeled ... uh... troubled? in schools?
- "Schools are shot because we took God out of schools!" says idiot before realizing this shooting was in a private Christian school
- "You can't protest being shot if you can't tell the difference between a clip and a magazine!"
- Drip Bar opens
- A fungus among us
- Rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, taser beats 2x4
- Little Wooden Boy!
- Chocolate factory explosion
- Let's pretend this is "educational" and not a pet project
- "Stop calling us with this bullshit"
- Lil' Dicky Earth video
- Yes it was Bobo's husband who did that...
- College visit
- Pooper app