Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Episode 413: Trump Steals Mastodon

Bart and Norma discuss supply chain issues, swords of Atlantis, don't mess with Alec Baldwin, Trump once again steals things (unethical behavior? Trump?! Say it ain't so...), Rolling Stone reveals where stupid MAGAt's got their nutso ideas about not getting in trouble for an insurrection, and the last season of Supergirl has terrible writing...

Direct Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/secure/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_413.mp3

Show Notes:


  1. In 1984, actor Jon-Erik Hexum died after shooting himself in the head with a prop gun blank while pretending to play Russian roulette with a .44 Magnum on the set of the television series “Cover Up.” I remembered this incident because I loved the show.

  2. https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/ny-ups-earnings-stock-market-shipping-20211027-lua2d3hlovdrrhpi3z4v7urvde-story.html What!!!!

  3. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/superionic-water-ice-new-discovery Very interesting! A new form of matter?

  4. They are attacking us with spiders: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/joro-spider-asia-invasive-species-georgia/
