Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Episode 354: You May Regret Relying on that Service

Bart, Norma and Voretaq discuss the liberal hoax that apparently killed Herman Cain, Canada doesn't like Americans much right now, schools around here supposedly think about how to reopen, and there are risks to subscribing to services and becoming reliant on them, no matter how convenient. And for some reason pedophelia is the latest "What About..." argument from Trumpies. Why? Don't know, especially when Trump spoke of walking into the backstage dressing area of teenage girls...

Show Notes:


  1. This was so devastating: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-53670839 After reading this, it seems like it could have easily been prevented.

  2. Wolf is again unpopular because he suggested delaying all sports in Pa until 2021.

  3. https://asia.nikkei.com/Business/Media-Entertainment/Nintendo-hits-record-as-world-plays-games-during-pandemic-lockdown At least someone made out well because of the pandemic.

  4. There was a segment on TV about the metal lunch boxes. Maybe Bart should hang onto the Knight Rider one because some boxes can be worth up to $200.

  5. I thought it was interesting that people have a problem with using blood from a deceased body, but using anal cells to repair receding gums is fine. I read this in a book that Bart gave us.
