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Show Notes:
- We're not directly quarantined. Yet.
- Medical equipment, inspections, and regulations discussion
- Insurance. YAY
- Is the current response to the Coronavirus an overreaction?
- Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have (had?) Coronavirus
- School district helping kids get meals while schools is out
- Bart's Sam's Club adventure
- Trump's Euro-ban
- Trump tries stealing a possible vaccine for profit
- Capitalist in trouble for hoarding and gouging supplies
- Same capitalist donates stuff he's getting in trouble for having
- AT&T promised 7000 new jobs with the Trump tax cuts. They cut 23000.
- AT&T CEO pay rises to 32 MILLION as reward for cutting thousands of jobs after profiting from Trump tax cuts
- Australian family accidentally buys years of toilet paper
- Hose replacement on a!
- Walking with a weight vest (I had 52.5 pounds in it at the time, I checked afterwards...)
- "Tele-learning" online with the shutdowns
I just finished watching "Dark Waters" which is about Dupont and the poisoning of many people by using Teflon. My husband worked for an evil company.