Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Episode 153: The Book Club Edition

Bart, Norma and Voretaq talk about startups and startup culture in addition to some recent news items and some book talk...

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_153.mp3

Show Notes:


  1. I used to teach the meaning of the pledge to my 3rd graders. Also, many religions deal with repetitive responses. I would rather have the leader either take the time to explain what we keep repeating or use new original understandable material.

  2. The "it gets better" fallacy goes for class reunions, too. Many people say that you have to go to your reunion because your classmates aren't snobs any more. Everyone accepts you. It isn't true. The groups still sit together and it's just a reminder of the way it was in high school.

  3. I remember saving $7,000 a year for Bart's education at Pitt. That, with scholarships and loans he qualified for paid his bill. It's unbelievable that it has gone up so much. If students keep a high average, this country owes them an education that won't leave them owing so much. The students who go for a party education can pay the full price.

    Also, I would like to watch the news one morning and have no news about people being stabbed, blown up or shot for no reason.
