Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Episode 96: Trump-elstiltskin and Feedback

Bart, Norma and Voretaq talk feedback, dinosaurs, Trump, and pensions!

Direct Download: http://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_96.mp3

Show Notes:

1 comment:

  1. It didn't sound like anyone was in a tunnel for this Podcast. I did enjoy the background sounds which sounded at one point like children being murdered and a racing speedway.

    When you were talking about vomiting, I bet Bart can name the one thing he remembers about 4th grade: when Missy vomited in a boy's hair in front of her. Third grade was when the teacher threw or kicked a ball at one of the girls and it hit her in the head. It's funny what memories you recall through the years.

    What gives with Amazon problems? I had a problem with shipping and had to call them. I couldn't understand the woman on the other end. She could have been asking me to eat dirt and I would have agreed because I did not know what she was saying. Then, the problem ended up in my lap even though it was their fault because they have such poor communication. I will hesitate again to call about a problem. Finally, I received an email from someone at Amazon that read like it was written by a first-grade student. Oh, well.

    Enjoyed the topics tonight.

    I'm one of the people who doesn't care about the teacher's retirement because I'm getting mine. Voretaq is right about the fact that we don't care unless it affects us.
