Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Episode 554: Is It Time to Leave the US?

Bart and Norma discuss scams and thefts, a woman dared to question a GOP town hall and was hauled out by what appears to be jackbooted fascists, Musk is a terrible father who wants to know 5 things you did at work this week and is it time to leave the country?

Direct Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_554.mp3

Show Notes:

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Episode 553: Sailing the Gulf of Stupid

Bart and Norma discuss mostly the chaos and crazy of the current oligarchy because credit where due, Trump is actually doing things...bad things, pointless things, but he's doing things.

Direct Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_553.mp3

Show Notes: