Voretaq rejoins! At least for today. He has testing coming up so he may miss next week, but it doesn't matter since it's a holiday and we'll all miss it.
In this episode we discuss the invasion of the trans agenda in small town podunk schools, Red Lobster going bankrupt and Conservatives seem to like child marriage a little bit...suspiciously too much...
Direct Download: https://traffic.libsyn.com/geekingafterdark/Geeking_After_Dark_Episode_521.mp3
Show Notes:
- Sound problems start the show off, making the intro a little weirder than usual but probably at this point is par for the course...
- Trans people peeing in schools becomes a local issue...and it's just mind blowing.
- On being offended
- "We don't have racism in Pennsylvania"...wut?
- PA hate/antigovernment groups
- McDonald's outpaces McInflation
- Trying to remember the Big Mac Index
- Norma got older. Now on Cosequin regimen
- Furry information/education site. In case you're a moron, they're not pooping in litter boxes in schools
- The state of Red Lobster
- Disney employees and shared underwear
- Conservatives really really really seem to like marrying and impregnating teens