Bart and Norma discuss "What is democracy if not the power accumulated in the hands of a few wealthy people?", no-fault divorce packaged with your lack of Roe-vs-Wade and red handmaid's dress, fast food is about the cost of a sit-down restaurant meal and the average sit-down restaurant meal is now the cost of a Michelin-star restaurant meal and a Michelin-star restaurant meal costs approximately 2 Instagram food influencers paychecks!
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Show Notes:
- Post-Thanksgiving report
- Colorful Underwear Robber Caught
- Fast food costs TOO MUCH and it's obviously Biden's fault
- No-fault divorce ABSOLUTELY RUINS MARRIAGES so the GOP wants to outlaw it
- Cards Against Humanity launches social network "Yowza"
- Democracy is letting others vote then doing what you want anyway if you're the one with the money
- US Health
- US Health, revisited